Sunday, March 13, 2011

Life is finally looking up for me!

hihi! how is all 32 of you lol.

Sorry about the lack of updates, life has just been......rough. But its finally looking up!

ok so lets go in order:

1) I got my federal taxes back.

haha big whoop right? well it kinda was~ i had been using my savings to pay my bills and whatnot since I lost my job in mid July, and I probably used about $800 - $900. I have a decent amount of money saved up, but I didn't want to deplete it. So when my taxes came back, I payed off a bill, payed the rest and put the rest back into my savings. See, I can be responsible. =)

i also got my state taxes back but i paid bills with those too. i need to stop shopping.

2)I got a new blackberry

I used my aforementioned tax money to buy it lol. I actually changed my phone plan to a family plan in order to buy my new berry. so I have my new white Torch 9800 who is fully functional and my Bold 9700 which can only do calls and SMS. It may sound stupid, nut it works out quite well; I use the Torch mainly, but I keep Gizmo (the Bold) around because the torches battery life  isn't amazing.

gizmo (9700)
Vivienne (9800)

3) I'm back on my Gal game

Ive been in a bit of a slump since maybe October when it started to get really cold here. Idunno, I think I go into Gal Hibernation. Kentucky isn't the coldest state, but its REALLY unpredictable. cold and rainy, ice, 2 feet of snow overnight, thunderstorms, floods, you get it right? Kentucky in the winter is a deathtrap, but spring and summer! THOSE ARE THE GOOD SEASONS!

but i digress, now that its finally getting warm again, I'm motivated to dress better and work on a new makeup look! Speaking of which I ordered some Diamond Lashes from Ichibankao, i got the "charming" lower lashes and i am in LOVE. I'll probably do a review on em soon.

not the best pic, but it shall do

3b) I also ordered a pair of  Bami Lense from my wonderful sponsor mukuchu. I haven't received them yet, but when I do, expect a review lol. I got the green apple for spring and i may get the Chocolate pair next.

4) I got a fuckin job


if you didn't catch it earlier, I ve been out of a job since mid July. I've been looking, but to no avail.

I've got my resume on careerbuilder, monster, all of those sites and when i get that daily email thats about the best jobs for you, i apply, get a number and call back two days later to check on the status of my application.
I've also had friends be on the look out for stuff too and one finally went all the way through lol!

I was about to head out on my weekly Friday adventure with Jeremy when my friend Shaun called me and was like my boss wants to know if you can come in for an interview.

why of course I can.

(oh~ Shaun works as a bouncer at this nightclub/bar/restaurant Sully's.)

so i go up there just in plain clothes because its a pretty casual place and mainly cuz my interview pants were dirty, and I talk to the manager MiMi. she is adorable. shes like 5 feet tall, asian and i just wanna  take her home and lock her in my basement. =D 

but anyway, she told me that i would basically be a hostess and I'd also be doing some day shift (obviously) serving, Thursday through Saturday. and if i wanted to come onto night shift and be a Shot girl and all that fun stuff, that'd I'd be more than welcome to.

And i start  work on Thursday.

So yay! Im pretty sure that I wont make toooooooo much  money ,unless i go night shift and become the best shot girl EVER, but I just need a normal income.

but yeah, thats been my life for the past 2 weeks or so.

and Im really excited about the 26th: 

And I may get to FINALLY meet my love muffin Lisha!! 

(haha i smell trouble)

But yeah~
thats all you guys. well at least for now.




Lisha said...

I hope i see you tooooo!! :D

Stefanie said...

I'm stoked about you having a job again! Time to spend money on summer adventures, and you taking me to Victoria's Secret to make me look like the bumblebee girl :-p

kay_woww said...


Lauren Bliss said...

i miss yu! lol this shit is funny as hell..y didnt i kno about this site??

Monica Tang said...

I LOVE the eye makeup!