Thursday, November 11, 2010


!boyfriend challenge♥ !
01. Where did you meet your boyfriend?
 Well… i went to school with him, but I didn't actually KNOW him. We had a few mutual friends and such, but we didn't know each other.  So I guess we technically met via Facebook, we would comment on each others status' and such, and then he wrote on my wall and blah blah, we were having  a conversation about smoking and then I said that he should give me his number lol.

02. Favorite picture of your boyfriend
 LOL this one easy-- (≧∇≦)

03. Favorite picture of you and your boyfriend
we are obviously not asleep lol

04. 5 facts about your boyfriend
♥ He’s half Korean
♥ He's in Afghanistan
♥ He's 6'2' ish
♥ He puts "White" instead of "Asian" on his forms

05. Make a list of the things you like about your boyfriend
♥ He puts up with my crap ♥  He apologizes even if it takes a while ♥ He smells good ♥ He's supportive of me and my dreams ♥HIS TEETH ♥ He buys me food ♥ He gets along with my dog ♥ He works ♥ He always has time to text me or call me♥ He taught me how to shoot a gun ♥ He is intelligent ♥ He hangs around good people~ ♥ hes mature, but can be silly with me :3 ♥ I can fart in front of him!!! lol ♥ He sings to me ♥ He cuddles with me ♥ He lets me nuzzle him and actually enjoys it ♥ he listens to my crazy zombie survival plan ♥

06. What did yah’ll do the last time you hung out?
Well the last time we "hung out" was the day he flew off to Afghanistan. So, I got to the airport like 2 hours before him (the USAF hast terrible time management skills), he got there, I got some kind of security pass to go with him to the gate, I hid his can of dip from his mom, got to the gate, lots of goodbyes ans iloveyous and i cried and then he got on the plane, and I then i went home and cried some more.

07. What was the last movie yah’ll saw together?
"Despicable Me" i think.

08. What do you guys do often?
email each other now. we used to have a lot of sex lol
09. Give your definition of love
butterflies and tootsie rolls 

10. Write a letter to your boyfriend
 Hi Panda Bear!!! I love you and I miss you!!!


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