Thursday, August 18, 2011

it lives!!!


im not dead lol.

ive just been busy with life.

but im back now!!

so whats been goin on with me..

* working

the usual

o! there was a REALLY bad storm here last weekend, the winds were like 75 mph!

lotta trees were uprooted and/or knocked over

i actually lost power!

so i crashed at a friends saturday then helped a different friend move on sunday.

when i came home sunday to change before leaving to help said friend move, our power was back on, but when i got home, our cable, internet, and house phones (yeah still got house phones yo!) were all dead. 

i thought it may have been the modem or the router, i turned everything off and back on, but that was no help.

so internets, phone or tv.

that shit wasnt fixed till freakin tuesday.


so have you heard of the online gal magazine Tokyo Catwalk?
since blogger wont let me make the pic a link.

well, i was approached to become a staff member!!

guess whos writing the Sex column?



ALSO! I see that i have 90 followers now!

took long enough geezzzzz



i appreciate and love all of you!

thank you guys!

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